Showing posts with label MBA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MBA. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why a " Business Administration" Diploma is Important in a Sales Career.

Yes, Indeed. Why do companies give so much weightage to MBA's (or even BBA's maybe) ? You are selling engineering equipment? So, how come irrespective of your engineering degree, if you and a MBA start from ground zero, you lose out every time?

Have you ever pondered this question ? In almost every office you'll find slimy apparent know-alls... Ask them this and you won't see their ugly mugs for the rest of the day!

Okay friends, enough of foreplay than.MBA's study for two more years after graduation. It stands to reason that they must be studying something. Yes, they do study a lot of 'shite' , but they also study plenty of things that matter.